International or Intergalactic?

In this day in age, Their will be many fights over a lot of issues, This time it's pertaining to a Global flag, aka World Flag. This is not only the issue of the problem. But! more of a hand over heal issue that is being looked at. Many of you remember seeing star Trek, and they're flags and logos, This problem is similar to what you will see within Star Trek. With the issuance of the Global fight over one flag, would spark wars. Mainly in the front line of Cyber and other global wars that will stir up controversy. As Human, if were going to ever get off the ground and into space to colonize. We need to give ourselves some good slack, and we need to focus on the tasks of the intergalactic space travel. instead of fighting over the issue. Take Albert Einstein for instance. when Einstein formulated the E=MC2, He had no Idea what He stumbled upon until he realized how simple the equation was. With Time and effort to jump start the space travel, Only thing that I can think of is to come up with a plan, funding, and other essential goods to put the information to work. It's not based on past learning. But as we humans are capable of, We had came a long way since our existence. with the discovery of fire, to the wheel, and to the Equation. About the Flag, is it a good flag? "Well considering it is." Said the astronauts. "I mean, Centered in the flag, seven rings form a flower – a symbol of the life on Earth. The rings are linked to each other, which represents how everything on our planet, directly or indirectly, are linked. The blue field represents water which is essential for life – also as the oceans cover most of our planet's surface." But with the birth of the new flag, compared to the previous one, How would you say it will help us stand out in the Intergalactic stand point? "We as a human species shouldn't have to worry about the looks, But how were going to survive while were in travel. It's like Choosing life over death, or Cake or Ice cream. Simple issues like that, is what gets our speics in trouble.