Satellite Radio Part 1
This day in age, Satellite Communications became an ingragol part in the world today. High above the worlds atmosphere, You will see all types of satellites, We have, military, spy, astronomical, broadcast, weather, GPS, and many others that keeps our world moving. As a International Bureau, Satellite Communications became the leading edge in business. Their is many, opportunities working in satellite communications. one such role is the communicator themselves. It's the communicators role to establish communications with the satellites themselves from ground base. This type of group is called, Earth Stations. But taking in account of the Earth Stations. They're are many type of roles that the earth station can do. One is, Astronomy, then another is, basic functions. others include, Mobile Broadcast. This means that a broadcast truck will drive around set up shop a some random location, get they're satellite location, then they have to establish communications, and broadcast their media as normal. Another one is, Radio, That is almost the same function as Television, But only in audio spectrum. Businesses such as, Sky Earth Network, Sirius/XM and others like them are leading the world with their live radio broadcasting, at times their is multiple tasks being worked on at the same time. But their is not just one person doing the work. Their is multiple people in the business doing the same exact work that would take one person months.

Each, Satellite is owned by different groups and companies. each plays a role in helping us humans establish, communications that makes us, Us. You, Me, and everyone world wide uses some form of device that helps us in our daily lives. weather computers, laptops, cell phones, or any other type of device. We are all connected by that device to a satellite. Watching us, listening, and helping us as we walk, read, listen, watch, or jog. Satellites plays a big role in the world today. This is not a new thing. This is decades old technology. The Military also uses their own to communicate with troops, and to help them in their daily lives as well. GPS. Signals are sent up once you tap or push a button. Your location is relayed through the GPS Network,
Radio Broadcasters through Sirius/XM has more on their hands then the average consumer. Sirius/XM is more controlled by broadcasters with the time and experience of satellite communications. SCN. The Satellite Communications Network is sky high on peoples list. and they are just eager to purchase sparse real estate. Space Technology is vital, clean, efficient, and we benefit from the technology. From the old, 1950s Orion satellite to the now, millions of satellite that orbit the earth, many of which are stationary.
We sound the alarm, alerted millions, and we made way since the old 1950s techology.