Real ID Compliance

Stating back from 2005, The United States Government passed a Law, that is enhancing and issuing State ID's That has to be compliant with the Real ID Act. In the 109th Congressional Hearing, The United States Government Approved
such a Law that give authority to every state in the
union to create and enhance they're State IDs to
help avoid any possible Terrorism in the Nation.
Every single state that has the Star as shown as on
the Right is compliant with the Real ID Act. Any other state who does not have that star, on they're ID like it is not being compliant. The issuance of the State ID is still being closely monitored for complacency,Our Very Own World Public Media whom is a Federal Agency, That watches all Mass Media Outlets Through out the world, stated, "In order for any of our staff, to work in the company, they are issued a ID That is almost similar to the State ID that is compliant." With each state given a task to overhaul their state ID, many of which has failed they're compliance test. Only the states that has the Star on there ID's are compliant. the Untied States Department Of Media will release a List of states that are compliant.

World Public Media International's ID's Are Compliant, With over 500 + Employees whom are soon to be given their ID's soon, Has to come to meet with Kaylee Zang to get their ID issued. They will be sent to they're Cell Phones for them to download and to have on them when police or any other law enforcement personnel asks. "May I See ID?" Just pull out your cell phone, and show your ID to them. SFMTA of San Francisco stated, "I wish all people had their ID's on their cell phone's." with Smart Technlogy is giving way as the means of idenifications as well.